Utilizzando le catene di protezione si salvaguardano gli pneumatici da danni e si prolunga la loro vita anche del 40-50%.
Oltre alla protezione, le catene offrono anche una migliore presa e riducono la possibilità di slittamento delle ruote. In base ai diversi disegni degli elementi di protezione la tenuta (grip) varia a seconde dell’elemento.
Le catene di protezione aumentano la superficie della ruota a contatto con il terreno, aumentando così la stabilità della macchina. Prevengono anche lo slittamento delle ruote su superfici liscie e forniscono maggiore stabilità (anche laterale) anche in pendenza
In aggiunta alla costruzione della catena anche la scelta del materiale è molto importante. Il materiale deve essere adatto al trattamento termico e contenere il giusto rapporto di carbonio e altri elementi di lega, che consentono un trattamento termico di alta qualità e quindi un elevato grado di durezza, che assicura una lunga durata della catena.
La durata delle catene di protezione dipende dal corretto trattamento termico degli elementi. La durezza in superficie ha un valore elevato, che tuttavia diminuisce con la profondità. Un’adeguata durezza nel nucleo fornisce la tenacia del materiale, importante per i carichi pesanti e la resistenza della catena.
Le proprietà desiderate della catena sono garantite dal processo di carburazione.
A seconda delle condizioni di utilizzo delle catene di protezione, garantiamo il seguente numero di ore di lavoro:
Tipo di roccia | Durezza | Ore di lavoro |
Rocce magmatiche | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granito, Quarzo, Porfido | ||
Rocce metamorfiche | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marmo | ||
Rocce Sedimentarie | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Tufo Vulcanico | ||
Carbone | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Calcari | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Altre Rocce | ||
Minerale di ferro | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Minerale di manganese | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Scorie | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Minerale di Rame | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.
In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.
Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.
The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.
The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.
Effects on chain life:
Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:
Type of rock | Hardness | Working hours |
Magmatic rocks | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr | ||
Metamorphic rocks | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marble | ||
Sedimental rocks | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Vulcanic tuff | ||
Coal | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Limestone | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Other rocks | ||
Iron ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganese ore | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Slag | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Copper ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.
In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.
Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.
The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.
The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.
Effects on chain life:
Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:
Type of rock | Hardness | Working hours |
Magmatic rocks | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr | ||
Metamorphic rocks | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marble | ||
Sedimental rocks | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Vulcanic tuff | ||
Coal | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Limestone | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Other rocks | ||
Iron ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganese ore | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Slag | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Copper ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.
In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.
Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.
The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.
The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.
Effects on chain life:
Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:
Type of rock | Hardness | Working hours |
Magmatic rocks | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr | ||
Metamorphic rocks | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marble | ||
Sedimental rocks | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Vulcanic tuff | ||
Coal | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Limestone | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Other rocks | ||
Iron ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganese ore | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Slag | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Copper ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Strošek pnevmatik predstavlja velik delež pri uporabi velikih delovnih strojev. Z uporabo zaščitnih verig
pnevmatike zaščitimo pred poškodbami in podaljšamo življenjsko dobo tudi za 40-50%.
Poleg zaščite nudijo verige tudi izboljšan oprijem in zmanjšujejo možnost zdrsa koles. Glede na različne vrste oblik zaščitnih elementov se tudi oprijem od elementa do elementa razlikuje.
Zaščitne verige povečajo površino koles, ki so v stiku s podlago s tem pa povečajo stabilnost stroja. Poleg tega preprečujejo drsenja koles po gladkih površinah in nudijo večjo stabilnost (tudi stransko) v naklonih.
Izbira materiala je poleg konstrukcije verige izredno pomembna. Material mora biti primeren za termično obdelavo ter vsebovati pravilno razmerje ogljika in drugih legirnih elementov, ki omogočajo kakovostno termično obdelavo in s tem visoko vrednost trdote, ki omogoča dolgo življenjsko dobo verige.
Življenjska doba zaščitnih verig je odvisna od pravilne toplotne obdelave elementov. Trdota na površini ima visoko vrednost , ki pa z globino pada. Ustrezna trdota v jedru nam zagotavlja žilavost materiala, ki je pomembna pri velikih obremenitvah in
vzdržljivosti verige. Željene lastnosti verige zagotovimo s postopkom cementacije.
Glede na razmere v katerih se zaščitne verige uporabljajo, garantiramo sledeče število delovnih ur (glej tabelo).
Vrsta kamnine | Trdota | Delovne ure |
Magmatske kamnine | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granit, Kremen, Porfir | ||
Metamorfne kamnine | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marmor | ||
Sedimenti | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Volkanski tuf | ||
Premog | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Apnenec | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Druge kamnine | ||
Železova ruda | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganova ruda | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Žlindra | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Bakrena ruda | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.
In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.
Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.
The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.
The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.
Effects on chain life:
Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:
Type of rock | Hardness | Working hours |
Magmatic rocks | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr | ||
Metamorphic rocks | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marble | ||
Sedimental rocks | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Vulcanic tuff | ||
Coal | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Limestone | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Other rocks | ||
Iron ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganese ore | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Slag | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Copper ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.
In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.
Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.
The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.
The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.
Effects on chain life:
Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:
Type of rock | Hardness | Working hours |
Magmatic rocks | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr | ||
Metamorphic rocks | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marble | ||
Sedimental rocks | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Vulcanic tuff | ||
Coal | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Limestone | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Other rocks | ||
Iron ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganese ore | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Slag | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Copper ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.
In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.
Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.
The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.
The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.
Effects on chain life:
Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:
Type of rock | Hardness | Working hours |
Magmatic rocks | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr | ||
Metamorphic rocks | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marble | ||
Sedimental rocks | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Vulcanic tuff | ||
Coal | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Limestone | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Other rocks | ||
Iron ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganese ore | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Slag | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Copper ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.
In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.
Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.
The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.
The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.
Effects on chain life:
Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:
Type of rock | Hardness | Working hours |
Magmatic rocks | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr | ||
Metamorphic rocks | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marble | ||
Sedimental rocks | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Vulcanic tuff | ||
Coal | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Limestone | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Other rocks | ||
Iron ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganese ore | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Slag | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Copper ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.
In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.
Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.
The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.
The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.
Effects on chain life:
Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:
Type of rock | Hardness | Working hours |
Magmatic rocks | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr | ||
Metamorphic rocks | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marble | ||
Sedimental rocks | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Vulcanic tuff | ||
Coal | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Limestone | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Other rocks | ||
Iron ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganese ore | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Slag | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Copper ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.
In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.
Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.
The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.
The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.
Effects on chain life:
Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:
Type of rock | Hardness | Working hours |
Magmatic rocks | 6-7 | 3000-4000 |
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr | ||
Metamorphic rocks | 4-5 | 5000-7000 |
Marble | ||
Sedimental rocks | 2-4 | 4000-9000 |
Vulcanic tuff | ||
Coal | 3-4 | 6000-9000 |
Limestone | 1-4 | 6000-15000 |
Other rocks | ||
Iron ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |
Manganese ore | 7 | 2000-3000 |
Slag | 4-6 | 4000-6000 |
Copper ore | 5-6 | 3000-5000 |