Perché scegliere le catene di protezione VERIGAtpc?


Utilizzando le catene di protezione si salvaguardano gli pneumatici da danni e si prolunga la loro vita anche del 40-50%.


Oltre alla protezione, le catene offrono anche una migliore presa e riducono la possibilità di slittamento delle ruote. In base ai diversi disegni degli elementi di protezione la tenuta (grip) varia a seconde dell’elemento.


Le catene di protezione aumentano la superficie della ruota a contatto con il terreno, aumentando così la stabilità della macchina. Prevengono anche lo slittamento delle ruote su superfici liscie e forniscono maggiore stabilità (anche laterale) anche in pendenza

Qualità delle catene di protezione

I vantaggi delle catene di protezione possono essere sfruttati appieno se la catena è di alta qualità in termini di costruzione e fabbricazione. Nello sviluppo e nella produzione delle catene di protezione, utilizziamo i migliori materiali e trattamenti termici, oltre a una ricca esperienza nel settore delle catene.


In aggiunta alla costruzione della catena anche la scelta del materiale è molto importante. Il materiale deve essere adatto al trattamento termico e contenere il giusto rapporto di carbonio e altri elementi di lega, che consentono un trattamento termico di alta qualità e quindi un elevato grado di durezza, che assicura una lunga durata della catena.


La durata delle catene di protezione dipende dal corretto trattamento termico degli elementi. La durezza in superficie ha un valore elevato, che tuttavia diminuisce con la profondità. Un’adeguata durezza nel nucleo fornisce la tenacia del materiale, importante per i carichi pesanti e la resistenza della catena.
Le proprietà desiderate della catena sono garantite dal processo di carburazione.


A seconda dello scopo d’impiego, offriamo diversi tipi di costruzione delle catene e degli elementi di protezione. Per una resa ottimale è necessario selezionare la corretta densità delle maglie e la forma degli elementi di protezione più deguata. E' inoltre fondamentale tenere in considerazione il peso della catena da installarsi sulla macchina operatrice. Una costruzione più densa significa una migliore protezione dello pneumatico, ma anche un peso maggiore della catena.


  • La rete più fitta;
  • La migliore protezione degli pneumatici;
  • Adatta per le condizioni di lavoro più difficili – aree pietrose, discariche;
  • Presa eccellente;


  • Rete a media densità;
  • Rapporto ottimale tra peso e protezione della catena;
  • Adatto a condizioni di lavoro meno impegnative;
  • Garantisce una buona presa.


  • Rete a media densità;
  • Rapporto ottimale tra peso e protezione della catena;
  • Adatto a condizioni di lavoro meno impegnative;
  • Garantisce una buona presa.


  • Rete a bassa densità;
  • Adatta per superfici non impegnative;
  • Migliora la presa

Aspettativa di vita

Le catene di protezione prolungano la durata di vita dei pneumatici, riducendo così i costi di manutenzione e le perdite di produzione.
Effetti sulla vita della catena:

  • Tipo di roccia;
  • Chilometri percorsi;
  • Potenza della macchina operatrice;
  • Temperatura dell’ambiente di lavoro;
  • Modalità di guida e velocità;
  • Condizioni topografiche;
  • Montaggio corretto della catena;
  • Tensione adeguata per tutta la durata dell’utilizzo della catena;
  • Manutenzione della catena

A seconda delle condizioni di utilizzo delle catene di protezione, garantiamo il seguente numero di ore di lavoro:

Tipo di roccia Durezza Ore di lavoro
Rocce magmatiche 6-7 3000-4000
Granito, Quarzo, Porfido
Rocce metamorfiche 4-5 5000-7000
Rocce Sedimentarie 2-4 4000-9000
Tufo Vulcanico
Carbone 3-4 6000-9000
Calcari 1-4 6000-15000
Altre Rocce
Minerale di ferro 5-6 3000-5000
Minerale di manganese 7 2000-3000
Scorie 4-6 4000-6000
Minerale di Rame 5-6 3000-5000

Why choose Veriga TPC protection chains?


The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.


In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.


Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.

Quality of protection chains

The advantages of protection chains can be fully exploited if the chain is of high quality in terms of construction and manufacture. In development and manufacture of protection chains, we use the best materials and heat treatment as well as rich experience in the area of chains.


The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.


The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.


Depending on the purpose of use, we offer different types of chain and protection element constructions. For optimum use, it is necessary to choose the correct knitting density and the correct shape of protection elements. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the chain that can be installed on a working machine. Denser construction means better protection of the tyre, but also a greater weight of the chain.


  • The densest knitting;
  • The best tyre protection;
  • Suitable for the most demanding working conditions – stone areas, dump sites, …;
  • Excellent grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Least dense knitting;
  • Easiest knitting;
  • Suitable for non-demanding surfaces;
  • Improves grip;

LIFETIME expectancy

Protection chains extend the lifetime of tyres and thus reduce the costs of maintenance and production loss.

Effects on chain life:

  • Type of rock;
  • Driven kilometres;
  • Power of the working machine;
  • Working environment temperature;
  • Manner of driving and speed;
  • Topographic conditions;
  • Proper mounting of the chain;
  • Proper tension throughout the lifetime of the chain;
  • Maintenance of the chain;

Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:

Type of rock Hardness Working hours
Magmatic rocks 6-7 3000-4000
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr
Metamorphic rocks 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimental rocks 2-4 4000-9000
Vulcanic tuff
Coal 3-4 6000-9000
Limestone 1-4 6000-15000
Other rocks
Iron ore 5-6 3000-5000
Manganese ore 7 2000-3000
Slag 4-6 4000-6000
Copper ore 5-6 3000-5000

Why choose Veriga TPC protection chains?


The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.


In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.


Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.

Quality of protection chains

The advantages of protection chains can be fully exploited if the chain is of high quality in terms of construction and manufacture. In development and manufacture of protection chains, we use the best materials and heat treatment as well as rich experience in the area of chains.


The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.


The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.


Depending on the purpose of use, we offer different types of chain and protection element constructions. For optimum use, it is necessary to choose the correct knitting density and the correct shape of protection elements. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the chain that can be installed on a working machine. Denser construction means better protection of the tyre, but also a greater weight of the chain.


  • The densest knitting;
  • The best tyre protection;
  • Suitable for the most demanding working conditions – stone areas, dump sites, …;
  • Excellent grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Least dense knitting;
  • Easiest knitting;
  • Suitable for non-demanding surfaces;
  • Improves grip;

LIFETIME expectancy

Protection chains extend the lifetime of tyres and thus reduce the costs of maintenance and production loss.

Effects on chain life:

  • Type of rock;
  • Driven kilometres;
  • Power of the working machine;
  • Working environment temperature;
  • Manner of driving and speed;
  • Topographic conditions;
  • Proper mounting of the chain;
  • Proper tension throughout the lifetime of the chain;
  • Maintenance of the chain;

Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:

Type of rock Hardness Working hours
Magmatic rocks 6-7 3000-4000
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr
Metamorphic rocks 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimental rocks 2-4 4000-9000
Vulcanic tuff
Coal 3-4 6000-9000
Limestone 1-4 6000-15000
Other rocks
Iron ore 5-6 3000-5000
Manganese ore 7 2000-3000
Slag 4-6 4000-6000
Copper ore 5-6 3000-5000

Why choose Veriga TPC protection chains?


The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.


In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.


Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.

Quality of protection chains

The advantages of protection chains can be fully exploited if the chain is of high quality in terms of construction and manufacture. In development and manufacture of protection chains, we use the best materials and heat treatment as well as rich experience in the area of chains.


The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.


The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.


Depending on the purpose of use, we offer different types of chain and protection element constructions. For optimum use, it is necessary to choose the correct knitting density and the correct shape of protection elements. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the chain that can be installed on a working machine. Denser construction means better protection of the tyre, but also a greater weight of the chain.


  • The densest knitting;
  • The best tyre protection;
  • Suitable for the most demanding working conditions – stone areas, dump sites, …;
  • Excellent grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Least dense knitting;
  • Easiest knitting;
  • Suitable for non-demanding surfaces;
  • Improves grip;

LIFETIME expectancy

Protection chains extend the lifetime of tyres and thus reduce the costs of maintenance and production loss.

Effects on chain life:

  • Type of rock;
  • Driven kilometres;
  • Power of the working machine;
  • Working environment temperature;
  • Manner of driving and speed;
  • Topographic conditions;
  • Proper mounting of the chain;
  • Proper tension throughout the lifetime of the chain;
  • Maintenance of the chain;

Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:

Type of rock Hardness Working hours
Magmatic rocks 6-7 3000-4000
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr
Metamorphic rocks 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimental rocks 2-4 4000-9000
Vulcanic tuff
Coal 3-4 6000-9000
Limestone 1-4 6000-15000
Other rocks
Iron ore 5-6 3000-5000
Manganese ore 7 2000-3000
Slag 4-6 4000-6000
Copper ore 5-6 3000-5000

Zakaj izbrati Veriga TPC zaščitne verige?


Strošek pnevmatik predstavlja velik delež pri uporabi velikih delovnih strojev. Z uporabo zaščitnih verig
pnevmatike zaščitimo pred poškodbami in podaljšamo življenjsko dobo tudi za 40-50%.


Poleg zaščite nudijo verige tudi izboljšan oprijem in zmanjšujejo možnost zdrsa koles. Glede na različne vrste oblik zaščitnih elementov se tudi oprijem od elementa do elementa razlikuje.


Zaščitne verige povečajo površino koles, ki so v stiku s podlago s tem pa povečajo stabilnost stroja. Poleg tega preprečujejo drsenja koles po gladkih površinah in nudijo večjo stabilnost (tudi stransko) v naklonih.

Kakovost zaščitnih verig

Prednosti zaščitnih verig, lahko v celoti izkoristimo, če je veriga kakovostno konstruirana in izdelana. Pri razvoju in izdelavi zaščitnih verig uporabljamo najboljše materiale in termično obdelavo ter bogate izkušnje na področju verig.


Izbira materiala je poleg konstrukcije verige izredno pomembna. Material mora biti primeren za termično obdelavo ter vsebovati pravilno razmerje ogljika in drugih legirnih elementov, ki omogočajo kakovostno termično obdelavo in s tem visoko vrednost trdote, ki omogoča dolgo življenjsko dobo verige.


Življenjska doba zaščitnih verig je odvisna od pravilne toplotne obdelave elementov. Trdota na površini ima visoko vrednost , ki pa z globino pada. Ustrezna trdota v jedru nam zagotavlja žilavost materiala, ki je pomembna pri velikih obremenitvah in
vzdržljivosti verige. Željene lastnosti verige zagotovimo s postopkom cementacije.


Glede na namen uporabe ponujamo različne tipe konstrukcij verig in zaščitnih elementov. Za optimalno uporabo je potrebno izbrati pravilno gostoto pletenja in pa pravilno obliko zaščitnih elementov. Upoštevati je potrebno tudi težo verige, ki jo lahko namestite na delovni stroj. Gostejša konstrukcija pomeni boljšo zaščito pnevmatike, vendar tudi večjo težo verige.


  • Najgostejše pletenje.
  • Najboljša zaščita pnevmatike.
  • Primerno za najbolj zahtevne delovne pogoje – kamnita področja, smetišča.
  • Vrhunski oprijem.


  • Srednje gosto pletenje.
  • Optimalno razmerje med težo in zaščito verige.
  • Primerno za manj zahtevne delovne pogoje.
  • Nudi dober oprijem.


  • Srednje gosto pletenje.
  • Optimalno razmerje med težo in zaščito verige.
  • Primerno za manj zahtevne delovne pogoje.
  • Nudi dober oprijem.


  • Najredkejše pletenje.
  • Najlažje pletenje.
  • Primerno za nezahtevne podlage.
  • Izboljša oprijem.


Zaščitne verige podaljšajo življenjsko dobo pnevmatik in s tem zmanjšajo stroške vzdrževanja in izpada proizvodnje.


  • Vrsta kamnine.
  • Prevoženi kilometri.
  • Moč delovnega stroja.
  • Temperatura delovnega okolja.
  • Način vožnje in hitrost.
  • Topografski pogoji.
  • Pravilna montaža verige.
  • Pravilna napetost, skozi celotno življenjsko dobo verige.
  • Vzdrževanje verig.

Glede na razmere v katerih se zaščitne verige uporabljajo, garantiramo sledeče število delovnih ur (glej tabelo).

Vrsta kamnine Trdota Delovne ure
Magmatske kamnine 6-7 3000-4000
Granit, Kremen, Porfir
Metamorfne kamnine 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimenti 2-4 4000-9000
Volkanski tuf
Premog 3-4 6000-9000
Apnenec 1-4 6000-15000
Druge kamnine
Železova ruda 5-6 3000-5000
Manganova ruda 7 2000-3000
Žlindra 4-6 4000-6000
Bakrena ruda 5-6 3000-5000

Why choose Veriga TPC protection chains?


The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.


In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.


Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.

Quality of protection chains

The advantages of protection chains can be fully exploited if the chain is of high quality in terms of construction and manufacture. In development and manufacture of protection chains, we use the best materials and heat treatment as well as rich experience in the area of chains.


The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.


The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.


Depending on the purpose of use, we offer different types of chain and protection element constructions. For optimum use, it is necessary to choose the correct knitting density and the correct shape of protection elements. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the chain that can be installed on a working machine. Denser construction means better protection of the tyre, but also a greater weight of the chain.


  • The densest knitting;
  • The best tyre protection;
  • Suitable for the most demanding working conditions – stone areas, dump sites, …;
  • Excellent grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Least dense knitting;
  • Easiest knitting;
  • Suitable for non-demanding surfaces;
  • Improves grip;

LIFETIME expectancy

Protection chains extend the lifetime of tyres and thus reduce the costs of maintenance and production loss.

Effects on chain life:

  • Type of rock;
  • Driven kilometres;
  • Power of the working machine;
  • Working environment temperature;
  • Manner of driving and speed;
  • Topographic conditions;
  • Proper mounting of the chain;
  • Proper tension throughout the lifetime of the chain;
  • Maintenance of the chain;

Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:

Type of rock Hardness Working hours
Magmatic rocks 6-7 3000-4000
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr
Metamorphic rocks 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimental rocks 2-4 4000-9000
Vulcanic tuff
Coal 3-4 6000-9000
Limestone 1-4 6000-15000
Other rocks
Iron ore 5-6 3000-5000
Manganese ore 7 2000-3000
Slag 4-6 4000-6000
Copper ore 5-6 3000-5000

Why choose Veriga TPC protection chains?


The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.


In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.


Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.

Quality of protection chains

The advantages of protection chains can be fully exploited if the chain is of high quality in terms of construction and manufacture. In development and manufacture of protection chains, we use the best materials and heat treatment as well as rich experience in the area of chains.


The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.


The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.


Depending on the purpose of use, we offer different types of chain and protection element constructions. For optimum use, it is necessary to choose the correct knitting density and the correct shape of protection elements. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the chain that can be installed on a working machine. Denser construction means better protection of the tyre, but also a greater weight of the chain.


  • The densest knitting;
  • The best tyre protection;
  • Suitable for the most demanding working conditions – stone areas, dump sites, …;
  • Excellent grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Least dense knitting;
  • Easiest knitting;
  • Suitable for non-demanding surfaces;
  • Improves grip;

LIFETIME expectancy

Protection chains extend the lifetime of tyres and thus reduce the costs of maintenance and production loss.

Effects on chain life:

  • Type of rock;
  • Driven kilometres;
  • Power of the working machine;
  • Working environment temperature;
  • Manner of driving and speed;
  • Topographic conditions;
  • Proper mounting of the chain;
  • Proper tension throughout the lifetime of the chain;
  • Maintenance of the chain;

Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:

Type of rock Hardness Working hours
Magmatic rocks 6-7 3000-4000
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr
Metamorphic rocks 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimental rocks 2-4 4000-9000
Vulcanic tuff
Coal 3-4 6000-9000
Limestone 1-4 6000-15000
Other rocks
Iron ore 5-6 3000-5000
Manganese ore 7 2000-3000
Slag 4-6 4000-6000
Copper ore 5-6 3000-5000

Why choose Veriga TPC protection chains?


The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.


In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.


Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.

Quality of protection chains

The advantages of protection chains can be fully exploited if the chain is of high quality in terms of construction and manufacture. In development and manufacture of protection chains, we use the best materials and heat treatment as well as rich experience in the area of chains.


The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.


The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.


Depending on the purpose of use, we offer different types of chain and protection element constructions. For optimum use, it is necessary to choose the correct knitting density and the correct shape of protection elements. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the chain that can be installed on a working machine. Denser construction means better protection of the tyre, but also a greater weight of the chain.


  • The densest knitting;
  • The best tyre protection;
  • Suitable for the most demanding working conditions – stone areas, dump sites, …;
  • Excellent grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Least dense knitting;
  • Easiest knitting;
  • Suitable for non-demanding surfaces;
  • Improves grip;

LIFETIME expectancy

Protection chains extend the lifetime of tyres and thus reduce the costs of maintenance and production loss.

Effects on chain life:

  • Type of rock;
  • Driven kilometres;
  • Power of the working machine;
  • Working environment temperature;
  • Manner of driving and speed;
  • Topographic conditions;
  • Proper mounting of the chain;
  • Proper tension throughout the lifetime of the chain;
  • Maintenance of the chain;

Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:

Type of rock Hardness Working hours
Magmatic rocks 6-7 3000-4000
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr
Metamorphic rocks 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimental rocks 2-4 4000-9000
Vulcanic tuff
Coal 3-4 6000-9000
Limestone 1-4 6000-15000
Other rocks
Iron ore 5-6 3000-5000
Manganese ore 7 2000-3000
Slag 4-6 4000-6000
Copper ore 5-6 3000-5000

Why choose Veriga TPC protection chains?


The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.


In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.


Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.

Quality of protection chains

The advantages of protection chains can be fully exploited if the chain is of high quality in terms of construction and manufacture. In development and manufacture of protection chains, we use the best materials and heat treatment as well as rich experience in the area of chains.


The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.


The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.


Depending on the purpose of use, we offer different types of chain and protection element constructions. For optimum use, it is necessary to choose the correct knitting density and the correct shape of protection elements. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the chain that can be installed on a working machine. Denser construction means better protection of the tyre, but also a greater weight of the chain.


  • The densest knitting;
  • The best tyre protection;
  • Suitable for the most demanding working conditions – stone areas, dump sites, …;
  • Excellent grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Least dense knitting;
  • Easiest knitting;
  • Suitable for non-demanding surfaces;
  • Improves grip;

LIFETIME expectancy

Protection chains extend the lifetime of tyres and thus reduce the costs of maintenance and production loss.

Effects on chain life:

  • Type of rock;
  • Driven kilometres;
  • Power of the working machine;
  • Working environment temperature;
  • Manner of driving and speed;
  • Topographic conditions;
  • Proper mounting of the chain;
  • Proper tension throughout the lifetime of the chain;
  • Maintenance of the chain;

Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:

Type of rock Hardness Working hours
Magmatic rocks 6-7 3000-4000
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr
Metamorphic rocks 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimental rocks 2-4 4000-9000
Vulcanic tuff
Coal 3-4 6000-9000
Limestone 1-4 6000-15000
Other rocks
Iron ore 5-6 3000-5000
Manganese ore 7 2000-3000
Slag 4-6 4000-6000
Copper ore 5-6 3000-5000

Why choose Veriga TPC protection chains?


The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.


In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.


Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.

Quality of protection chains

The advantages of protection chains can be fully exploited if the chain is of high quality in terms of construction and manufacture. In development and manufacture of protection chains, we use the best materials and heat treatment as well as rich experience in the area of chains.


The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.


The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.


Depending on the purpose of use, we offer different types of chain and protection element constructions. For optimum use, it is necessary to choose the correct knitting density and the correct shape of protection elements. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the chain that can be installed on a working machine. Denser construction means better protection of the tyre, but also a greater weight of the chain.


  • The densest knitting;
  • The best tyre protection;
  • Suitable for the most demanding working conditions – stone areas, dump sites, …;
  • Excellent grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Least dense knitting;
  • Easiest knitting;
  • Suitable for non-demanding surfaces;
  • Improves grip;

LIFETIME expectancy

Protection chains extend the lifetime of tyres and thus reduce the costs of maintenance and production loss.

Effects on chain life:

  • Type of rock;
  • Driven kilometres;
  • Power of the working machine;
  • Working environment temperature;
  • Manner of driving and speed;
  • Topographic conditions;
  • Proper mounting of the chain;
  • Proper tension throughout the lifetime of the chain;
  • Maintenance of the chain;

Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:

Type of rock Hardness Working hours
Magmatic rocks 6-7 3000-4000
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr
Metamorphic rocks 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimental rocks 2-4 4000-9000
Vulcanic tuff
Coal 3-4 6000-9000
Limestone 1-4 6000-15000
Other rocks
Iron ore 5-6 3000-5000
Manganese ore 7 2000-3000
Slag 4-6 4000-6000
Copper ore 5-6 3000-5000

Why choose Veriga TPC protection chains?


The cost of tyres represents a significant proportion in the use of large working machines. By using tyre protection chains, we protect tyres from damage and extend their lifetime even by 40–50 %.


In addition to protection, chains also offer improved grip and reduce the possibility of the wheels slipping. Depending on the different types of protection elements, the grip also varies from element to element.


Protection chains increase the surface of the wheel, which is in contact with the ground, which increases the stability of the machine. They also prevent the wheels from slipping on smooth surfaces and provide greater stability (also side stability) on slopes.

Quality of protection chains

The advantages of protection chains can be fully exploited if the chain is of high quality in terms of construction and manufacture. In development and manufacture of protection chains, we use the best materials and heat treatment as well as rich experience in the area of chains.


The choice of material is very important in addition to the construction of the chain. The material must be suitable for heat treatment and contain the correct ratio of carbon and other alloying elements, which allow for high-quality heat treatment and thus a high degree of hardness, which ensures a long lifetime of the chain.


The lifespan of protection chains depends on the correct heat treatment of the elements. The hardness on the surface has a high value, which decreases with depth, however. Adequate hardness in the core provides the toughness of material, which is important for heavy loads and chain endurance.
The desired chain properties are ensured by the carburising process.


Depending on the purpose of use, we offer different types of chain and protection element constructions. For optimum use, it is necessary to choose the correct knitting density and the correct shape of protection elements. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the chain that can be installed on a working machine. Denser construction means better protection of the tyre, but also a greater weight of the chain.


  • The densest knitting;
  • The best tyre protection;
  • Suitable for the most demanding working conditions – stone areas, dump sites, …;
  • Excellent grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Medium dense knitting;
  • Optimal weight and chain protection ratio;
  • Suitable for less demanding working conditions;
  • Ensures good grip;


  • Least dense knitting;
  • Easiest knitting;
  • Suitable for non-demanding surfaces;
  • Improves grip;

LIFETIME expectancy

Protection chains extend the lifetime of tyres and thus reduce the costs of maintenance and production loss.

Effects on chain life:

  • Type of rock;
  • Driven kilometres;
  • Power of the working machine;
  • Working environment temperature;
  • Manner of driving and speed;
  • Topographic conditions;
  • Proper mounting of the chain;
  • Proper tension throughout the lifetime of the chain;
  • Maintenance of the chain;

Depending on the conditions in which the protection chains are used, we guarantee the following number of working hours:

Type of rock Hardness Working hours
Magmatic rocks 6-7 3000-4000
Granite, Quarz, Porphyr
Metamorphic rocks 4-5 5000-7000
Sedimental rocks 2-4 4000-9000
Vulcanic tuff
Coal 3-4 6000-9000
Limestone 1-4 6000-15000
Other rocks
Iron ore 5-6 3000-5000
Manganese ore 7 2000-3000
Slag 4-6 4000-6000
Copper ore 5-6 3000-5000